Wednesday, April 23, 2008

O2jam Gem using WPE

Note: WPE is not a virus, some Anti-Virus telling that WPE is a virus. That is not true, the Anti-Virus detect them as a virus because of the Uses of WPE is ...more

First thing to do is to download this program
>WPE Pro<
>Mirror Site<

Unzip the WPE Pro
Open WPE
Login your o2jam account
Choose any hall and join to any channel
Create a vs room and select a song that easy for you
Press Alt + Tab to return to your WPE

How To Use WPE - o2jam

Click the target and select o2.exe (the WPE taking the packets trough o2.exe)
Click View-Options- and check send only
Click the Record button (left side)
Then go back to o2jam and Play
When you are done Play it once
Press Alt + Tab again and go to your WPE
Stop the recording
Look for packet sized 23(there should be only one 23)
Right click and Select add to Send list
Right click again and Select Send list with this packet ID
Click on send at the filter corner
Then Check the box
Then Click the New send
Then Click the Pencil icon

Then edit the packet like this 00000000 17 00 B0 0F 9D 00 00 00 00 00
FF FF FF FF FF F9 00000010 FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF(don't edit your cool packet the cool packet is the 9D 00 but this is not only the cool packet
if your cool is not like 9D 00 it is ok you are right don't edit the
cool packet)

Then click ok
Then click the record icon that is color black
Then send it continuously and click ok
After that go back to your o2jam then play again the song you Play
But it can be use this in to other song,
I advice to do this in Training Mode



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